Thursday, June 23, 2016
Why do I like Donald Trump? Don't get me wrong. Of all the people who have been in the current presidential race, he is not my favorite. And it's not like I am a Republican. I disavowed that party many years ago. I would have to describe myself as either an independent (which means nothing) or a libertarian (which seems wonderful until you realize that its logical end game would be - must be - anarchy).
When I was in college, and for a few years thereafter, I had Democratic Party leanings. But as I became a breadwinner for a young family, I realized that the Democrats with their profligate "something-for-everyone" policies were determined to play Robin Hood with government finances. And they were not just taking from the "rich," they were taking from the middle class, as well.
So what appealing proposition do I see residing in a Trump candidacy?
First and foremost, he is not Hillary Clinton! It boggles my mind that there are so many Hillary supporters! If any of them would take their blinders off and take a good, hard look at her record, they would realize that her record speaks volumes about hypocrisy, greed, lies, and dishonor. How could anyone with a conscience vote for her?
Secondly, he is not Bernie Sanders! Sanders is an admitted socialist! Socialism has always been the "something-for-everyone" philosophy that I detest - on steroids! Socialism won't work simply because the math doesn't add up. Socialism has never worked!
But mainly, the reason I plan to vote for Trump is that he is strongly and vehemently against the New World Order (NWO) espoused by the Globalists and those wealthy "Deep State" individuals who pull the strings on all of the puppets in Washington DC. Donald Trump wants to rain on their parade and so do I.
The elite Deep State have been very successful in subverting the wishes of the voting public and subverting the constitution via Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (and, if she is successful, via Hillary Clinton). The Deep State is why so many voters have come to the conclusion that their vote doesn't matter, and neither does the eventual winner of the presidency: new name, same old result.
Except, now we stand a real chance of getting out from under this playbook of the 1% (actually 0.01%). If Trump is elected, your vote will have made a huge difference in the republic. Yes, I realize that in order to vote for him, one must hold his nose as he is pulling the lever in the voting booth. Trump is not socially refined and sometimes acts like a bratty third grader.
He is not "politically correct," (he says he doesn't aspire to political correctness, so is not bothered by that accusation). He has rough edges on his personality and his philosophies and that grates on the sensibilities of many Americans. He has not yet delivered a comprehensive agenda for his presidency, and doesn't seem to want to release his income taxes. These things bother me, too. But because throwing a monkey wrench into the NWO is so hugely important, on election day, I will be holding my nose.
"No You Can't See My Emails!"
Very telling about the morality of Hillary Clinton, is her own admission that she didn't want “any risk of [her] personal [emails] being accessible.” Yet, she had no qualms about conducting official State Department business on the same personal email server. After withholding 55,000 "personal" emails from the ones turned over to the Inspector General, Clinton said, “No one wants their personal emails made public and I think most people understand that and respect their privacy.”
Something else that "most people understand," is the inherent need for a secure email server for State Department business. Clinton exhibited a very cavalier attitude toward the security of official State Department emails, yet insisted on ultimate security and privacy for her personal emails.
Since she has, for many years, been less than candid about her actions and motives, one must assume the worst when she basically says, "No you can't see my emails, but you just have to trust me that they don't contain any national security secrets. You just have to take my word for it that I violated no laws and have no state department secrets in my email."
Yeah, right!
It is quite apparent that Hillary has never had a moral compass. Her guidepost has always been "do what's best for Hillary." She has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and gotten away with a wink so many times, that she truly cannot understand why some people expect her to abide by the rules like everyone else. Her husband was the same way. There's a good reason why Bill Clinton was known as "Slick Willy" when he was in the White House.
Most Americans really want a government that they can trust and one of which they can be proud. Most understand the ramifications of having dishonest politicians leading the country.
Then there is a large segment of Americans which either doesn't care about morality, or wants a woman in the White House so badly that they put that desire ahead of everything else, including those attributes which should matter the most in a presidential candidate -- honesty and honor. But they fail to ask the one critical question which would disabuse them of any notion that having Hillary as the president would be a good thing.
Like a man having an affair with another man's wife, not once do they see the writing on the wall or consider that during the illicit affair, their mistress is being unfaithful to her husband. And they do not consider, "Since she has been unfaithful to her current husband, why should I believe that she will be faithful to me?" Neither do Hillary supporters consider, "Since she has been dishonest and deceitful as Secretary of State, why should I believe that she would be any different as president?"
Oh, Slick Hillary! What a tangled web you weaved, when first you started to deceive!
We Have Become a Police State (But You already Knew That)
Exerpted from the Laissez Faire Today newsletter:
The hallmark of a police state is when citizens are stopped arbitrarily and told to show their “papers.” In a free society, citizens aren’t required to identify themselves to the police if they aren’t actively engaging in a crime. It’s none of the police officer’s business.
But oh, how the seasons change.
“On Monday,” the Wall Street Journal reports, “the Supreme Court further weakened the Fourth Amendment by making it even easier for law enforcement to evade its requirement that stops be based on reasonable suspicion. The justices ruled 5 to 3 that a police officer’s illegal stop of a man on the street did not prevent evidence obtained from a search connected to that stop to be used against him.”
Justice Clarence Thomas shrugged the whole thing off. In his words, [Mr. Edward] Striefel was merely a victim of “good-faith mistakes,” and the illegal stop was nothing more than “an isolated instance of negligence.”
Not impressed by the rhetoric, Justice Sonia Sotomayor shot back: “Do not be soothed by the opinion’s technical language. This case allows the police to stop you on the street, demand your identification, and check it for outstanding traffic warrants -- even if you are doing nothing wrong.
“Two wrongs,” she said, “don’t make a right.”
The House of Representatives Seems to be Just "Playing House"
The sit-in going on in the congressional chambers points out just how incompetent our legislators are! Sit-ins and demonstrations are tactics used by those outside of government to petition those inside the government. The fact that members of The House are resorting to those same tactics reveals just how impotent they are!
How about doing your job - discuss, debate, engage, and legislate rather than "playing house?" How about doing your job instead of pretending? How about making a difference instead of just making a scene?
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Diction, Spelling, and Semantics -- Why Do They Matter?

Spontaneity should be relished, and I realize that people are fond of quickly dashing off a reply or clever repartee as the mood strikes, but it only takes a few seconds to check what you have written before you hit “save” or “send.” A lack of consideration in this regard, is a lack of consideration for your thoughts. If you, the writer, do not have respect for your thoughts, why should the reader? You are shooting yourself (and your innate brilliance) in the foot.
Why does this matter? Such practice is the root of much, if not most miscommunication and misunderstanding. It also exhibits a lack of respect for your reader. I often find brilliant nuggets of insight in blog comments, but frequently not until I have expended much effort in trying to decipher what was actually meant by the writer. Incoherent writers make it too damned hard to glean their wisdom!
The preponderance of ill-conceived expression in public forums decries the sad state of education and literacy at this juncture in history. Malformed exposition with malnourished thought is rampant and getting worse. Writers with no appreciation for the conventions of expository prose seems to be the rule rather than the exception. If I extrapolate this trend twenty years into the future, I foresee interpersonal communication degenerating into indecipherable grunts, snorts, and grumbles which serve no purpose other than to insult and incite.
I submit that we are better than this, and grant that (ample evidence notwithstanding) many Internet contributors might be intelligent and have interesting observations which could delight and educate. But if a prospective sage doesn’t learn how to properly present his ideas, no one will benefit from his wit and wisdom. We owe it to ourselves to strive to recover the language protocols which enable interesting communication and education, so that we don’t do a disservice to our readers – and to ourselves.
An educated man is thoroughly inoculated against humbug, thinks for himself and tries to give his thoughts, in speech or on paper, some style. Alan K. Simpson
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