I have to point out that junk mail marketing is particularly egregious because it is so devastating to the environment - millions of trees harvested simply to fill the landfill with unwanted mail. A response rate on mail campaigns is considered good if it is 2% - 3%. When you think about that, it leads to the undeniable conclusion that about 97% of all mail marketing pieces are pure junk, in the fullest sense of the word!
That unwanted mail just goes straight to the landfill, much of it never even opened! Yes, I understand that between the forest and the landfill a lot of jobs are created by this pipeline. Yes, I understand that responsible marketing is necessary to let people know about the purchasing choices they have. However, I submit that mail marketing is anything but responsible!
We would all be better served by a pipeline that actually produces something desirable, rather than this extremely wasteful, annoying, and environmentally irresponsible system. Don't tell the telemarketers (it'll be our little secret) but I actually prefer phone calls to junk mail because phone calls don't ravage the environment or fill up the landfills!
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. -- Mark Twain (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)
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