Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Time!

The environment is in trouble.

I believe it.

There are millions of American citizens who believe it.

With all of that Yankee ingenuity and American initiative to muster, one would think that this problem would soon go the way of the do-do bird. Unfortunately, this equation doesn't compute. Belief and action don't always coalesce.

Regrettably, it is easy to assuage our environmental conscience by sending some money to the Nature Conservancy or the Sierra Club, and then convince ourselves that we have done our part. It's easy and it's relatively painless. But money comes and goes too easily. Effort and action are what's required.

Although the pollution of our environment, deforestation, a general loss of habitat, and the degradation of our natural resources portend very dire consequences for our children and future generations, one can witness an appalling disinterest among friends, neighbors, and coworkers. The environmental laissez-faire attitude of our culture is downright embarrassing!

What will it take to wake these well-meaning but actionless environmental zombies out of their collective stupor? I start to get indignant and self-righteous, but then I have to ask myself, "What am I doing to help?"

The answer which rudely confronts me has inspired me to do a lot of self-examination. I grow weary of my own excuses.

In an attempt to overcome my inertia, I have come up with a new personal battle-cry: "It's time!"

  • It's time to quit talking and take action.

  • It's time to quit making excuses.

  • It's time to stand up for what's important.

  • It's time to resurrect the long-buried belief that I can make a difference.

  • It's time to reawaken the passion I felt about changing the world when I was young.

  • It's time to make the time to write to a congressman.

  • It's time to take the time to educate my family, my friends and my acquaintances about my concerns.

There are many things that we environmentally concerned citizens witness that moves us to lament the sad state of the environment, but do we expend any effort to be part of the soution? Are we moved to action? We have become too comfortable, but we cannot afford to be seduced by our comfort any longer! It's time!

If not now, when? Will we go to our graves knowing that we could have made a huge difference in this world and the quality of life we bestow upon our progeny... but we failed to take action? Will we fail to even try? It's time!

Now is the time to start making a difference in this world because the time is extraordinarily propitious.

Have you noticed, as have I, the recent green trend that is invading (if not pervading) the national psyche? It's time!

Have you noticed that many more news stories are about environmental issues? It's time!

Have you witnessed the gradual acceptance of the theoretical relationships and ramifications of global warming? It has been transformed from "a crackpot theory" to a generally accepted doctrine. It's time!

Have you noticed the new trendy buzzwords in the national conversation, "carbon"and "sustainability"? It's time!

Our opportunity to truly build a better world has never been better! The popular wisdom has been primed. The “tribal knowledge” is amenable. The public receptivity for environmental issues is at an all-time high. The field for discourse is very fertile. It's time!

Will you or I be able to make a big difference overnight? Probably not. The solution is a process, not a moment.

Will we be able to have any positive effect in isolation? Maybe.

But isolated efforts would be so much more profound if they were combined in a confluence of voices and efforts - if they came together into a raging torrent of poignant synergy. Such focused energy would surely render a palpable example of how the whole can be much more effective than the sum of the individual parts. It's time!

Perhaps you think that you don't have the time? That is going to be a difficult misconception for you to correct. But I firmly believe that once you start this process, you will find that you do have the time!

Will you have to watch less television? Most definitely.

Fewer computer games? Assuredly.

Less Internet surfing? Of course!

Fewer unimportant calls on your cell phone? Hallelujah! You have a tremendous opportunity to turn those chats into something significant!

Do you need to reevaluate your priorities? It's time!

Today is the day. Now is the moment. I am changing my direction and feeling empowered to make a difference in this world and I am inviting all of my readers to do the same. I encourage you to take my new mantra and embrace it as your own. It's time!

Can we make a difference?

When you realize that "Ye are angels, if ye only but knew it," can there be any doubt?

It's time!

We will be forever known by the tracks that we leave. -- Dakota Indian saying

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